Friday, May 11, 2007

Practice Generalization Stage

The practice generalization stage uses dialectical process, which generates agreement out of disagreement. The purpose is to set standards, exchange accurate and adequate information, strive to understand what others’ issues, and use disagreement to identify where more information is needed. For example, people improve their understanding when they engage with issues. They educate each other within a process of participative, cooperative, and involvement inquiry. In other words, the stage is a process of mutual education.

Moreover, this stage process is of value. By reason of, it provides us with another way of obtaining accurate and reliable information. Scientifically, that is, it will allow us to test the strategy in the public arena – the strategy is described in a sufficient detail so that the strategy can be viewed, analyzed, and criticized by anyone who would like to question the strategic plan. In addition, it also helps us with the most practical and efficient approach to develop draft and finalized information. Like values - a person wants to identify and promote and those that will help him make the right decisions. To understand more what this valuing process is, consider the fundamental ideas described below.

One of the most common sets of activities in the statement gathering stage is the strategy formulation, wherein a person in a managing environment, whether it be office, school, home, or one’s workplace, wants to define and achieve his strategy, let say, as father in a family. Note that the father defines his strategy and specifies all his " father-related" roles and responsibilities on purpose, such as " head", "provider", “husband”, and “etc.” as dictated by or directed to support other strategies in the application. That is, he obtains and preserves the wholeness of an existing direction in striving to accomplish specific purpose. Then, the father strategy supported his family to achieve its goals and objectives. For example, the father strategy goal and objective is to address major problem facing the family like inadequate resources to provide them with their daily needs, and etc.

Observe, other fathers also define and achieve this same father strategy with different set of descriptive attributes or facets focusing on the same problem. Each of which results in a form shared by or adapted from other father strategy.

Then, the father strategy must be improved. Thus, the number of father strategies interconnected in the application is modeled into a base class of father strategies by originating and capturing the common and general attributes of these father strategies. This base class of father strategies will yield similar outcomes in similar situation once carried out properly and with passion by other fathers.

Next, in the event that a father wants to remodel and enhance the quality of his father strategy from an existing base class or derived class of father strategies, he can simply remodel his father strategy by means of inheritance. Another way is to use abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, and decomposition as modeling principles to remodel his father strategy.

Finally, much of a father’s work deals not only with his family, but with group, management, or organization as a whole in reality. Thus, a father can define and achieve more than one strategy and design them “Supervisor”, “Manager”, or “etc.” based on his given situation, position, or task.

Further, this stage could address the global issues of standards and the values that these imply, and translates the quality of strategy into definite pattern, accessible, workable, educational form, integrative, comprehensive, desirable, purposeful value, and advances.

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