Friday, January 26, 2007

Theoretical Framework

The occasional pieces in action research methodology maintained by Bob Dick shows they have been exploring the notion that action research generates a form of grounded theory: Theory grounded in experience.

In his view, an important purpose of action research is the development of understanding and action. Understanding which drives from action. Understanding which in turn informs action. Within each understanding and action cycle, the understanding develops further because, in each “act,” the growing understanding is tested in action. This development of understanding and action forms the grounded theory - its development observes well the intention of the earlier Glaser and Strauss work. However, the shortcomings and difficulties to foster deeper understanding could reflect in the outcome of the action. Thus, it is significant to foster deeper understanding of matters first by using the three dimensions of action research and grounded theory: epistemology (theoretical, conceptual, and operational framework), process, and situation for better outcome of the action. He uses these three dimensions to spell out his assumptions before he acts.

Moreover, he pointed out grounded theory tends to be different in at least two respects: First, grounded theory tends to be more about practice. By reason of, it can to some extent integrate the subjective and objective. Subjective arises because it is invested by our values and meanings. Objective arises because it is tested against reality through action. Second, grounded theory tends to be more general. By reason of, it can to some extent integrate the same elements of understanding operating on a given situation. That is, it is framed in a way that allows its generalizability to be used to produce similar outcomes in similar settings.

Further, the concepts, particular ideas, understanding, and principles of action research and grounded theory above are to be used in facilitating, influencing, and guiding the people in adopting Quoth.


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